"Holiday show" in the american school. Bay Ridge, New York

People from CIS countries always have New Year's events in schools. It called "ёлки". American students of schools have performances to Christmas and New Year's too. There is only one difference in costumes. American pupils have never worn costumes of clowns, animals, snowflakes, cosmonauts for these events...
American students have only one celebration with costumes, it's Halloween. New Year's performance is a kind, cheerful celebration with singing, dancing and declamation of poetry. Every event our PS/IS 104 school on Bay Ridge gives us a special T-shirt for the stage. Corporative color of our school was chosen black. So, insriptations on T-shirts and their color changes only. Others still is constant. Administration of schools asks to wear black pants and shoes for the performances too.
Santa Claus doesn't come to schools' New Year's events. Because Santa visites children's homes during Christmas night. In general, the US and CIS countries have a little bit different traditions.
P.S. I show our New Year's performance below. And we continue to wait of Santa!