Lake Tahoe, California, USA

The Tajo is the second largest lake in America, its area is almost 500 square kilometers. The maximum depth of the Tahoe is 500 meters, the average depth is 300. The length of the coastline is more than one hundred kilometers. The height above sea level is almost 2 kilometers. In addition to numbers, Lake Tahoe is striking with stunning views and incredibly clear-water. People come here even with the youngest children, after all, here it is not necessary to be afraid that they swallow dirty water during bathing.
History of Lake Tahoe. Formed a reservoir between 2 and 3 million years ago due to the formation of an inter-hollow at the site of the geological fault. Also, at that time, the fractures of the earth's crust formed two mountains - Carson and Sierra Nevada. The future Lake Tahoe is is located between them. Among the vegetation in the area of the popular pond grow pine and fir.
Can everyone swim in Lake Tahoe? I was preparing for the trip before I went to California. I found information via internet about Lake Tahoe, which claimed that only very hardened people could swim in this pond. Like, the water here never warms up more than 17 degrees Celsius. We were at Lake Tahoe in July this year, the water temperature was fine +20 Celsius. To be honest, in the ocean for me and +24 - it's cold, because the wind, and the Tahoe is protected on all sides by mountains, so they bought from the heart! :)
Interesting facts about Lake Tahoe
1. According to the writer Mark Twain, in translation from Indian languages, Tahoe stands for "grasshopper soup."
2. The first white people who stepped on this land were Keith Carson and John Fremont.
3. Two of thirds of Lake Tahoe belong to California, one of third to Nevada.
4. Initially, the area around the Lake Tahoe was inhabited by the Indians of the Vasho tribe.