Snow Storm "Stella" on March 14, 2017 in New York

Winter came to New York instead of spring. The heaviest snowfall in the whole winter was on March 14, 2017 in New York. I'm not afraid to call March 2017 by winter, as the weather keeps like during winter. It called here a snow storm and the preparation for it is special.
How were you preparing for the snow storm on March 14, 2017? For a day, the mayor of the city made a decision that children will not go to school, only underground branches of subway will work, snow-removing equipment will clean streets in a strengthened mode. It was expected that a 60 centimeter layer of snow would fall out. The snowstorm should be accompanied by a strong wind, predicted a wind speed was of 80 km per hour. As a result, in advance, on the roads and sidewalks there was more salt than snow. The technique prevented me from sleeping all night. Snow fell a maximum of 20-30 cm :) True, the wind, indeed, was very strong, walking along the street because of the gusts was difficult. However, there was more noise than snow. This situation is repeated here year after year, the Big Apple always worries more than necessary. Although, after the ever-untouched Kiev roads, such thoroughness causes great respect!